I'm in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia for two weeks. Got here late last Monday night and so far have done at least one painting each day. Yesterday I painted a couple of watercolors outside fighting the blackflies which bit me numerous times. Thank heaven for spray benadryl.
If one must know why I would plan my Nova Scotia vacation for the last two weeks of June, when the weather's iffy and the blackflies are biting it's because of the lupine which blooms profusely this time of year only. Sunday I donned my bug jacket which completely covers my face and upper body and set up to do a painting at Two Islands. There are no serviceable photos of the paintings yet but I thought I'd share the lupine.
An addendum to this post is that I have to come to the Fundy Geological Museum to connect and I didn't get this post up last Friday as I'd hoped. They were closing and I only had the draft prepared. Didn't feel like spending time indoors either Saturday or Sunday so today I had to come over and put up the post. If you want a quiet vacation, this is the place.
What a beautiful scene Mary.
Can't wait to see some of the paintings this must have inspired!!
We used to vacation in New Brunswick...And it was always when the Lupines were in full force...Every color imaginable....Fields and fields of them...They were just breathtaking...We planned the last two years we went around those flowers, so I totally get it! I love them...I was disappointed that they didn't smell prettier....Have you ever heard of the children's book "The Lupine Lady"...It is one of the sweetest, most touching I have ever read, and beautiful picture! Enjoy your trip....
Beautiful picture! Nova Scotia is such a wonderful place.
Love this -
Mary, I'm going to be in NS next Saturday for two weeks---Oxford. We almost made the blogger's picnic.
Wow, other than the bugs I bet you're having a wonderful time.
Looks like a great place to do art.
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