I travel far and wide to paint quaint fishing villages and lobster boats in harbors but all of that is right here in Marshfield, in my 'own back yard', as the saying goes. Aside from being hideously over crowded now, Marshfield is still a beautiful place to live. Quickly disappearing quaint cottages and old fishing sheds can still be found and the harbor has a working lobster and fishing fleet.
Nice color compliments here. Thank you for the encouraging words on my blog. Ok, next question. How do I link with another artist blog? I am goin to try on you.
I'm bookmarking these last two sites so that i can come back and get a mushy summery peaceful feeling when the snow hits....
Lorna, I haven't seen much snow for the past 4 winters, spending them in Naples, FL like I do.
I miss it.......ducking.......
Another really nice one! Love your colors here...close values that "read" fantastically!
Nice color compliments here. Thank you for the encouraging words on my blog. Ok, next question. How do I link with another artist blog? I am goin to try on you.
Help, I don't know what I am doing.
Yes, another really nice one - love the colors!
Hey, you all. Thanks for visiting. I paint for you as well as myself :D
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