I've held this post back hoping to get a better photo but since Monday, July 2nd, when I arrived at my studio to find that 16 studios, including mine had been broken into, their doors pried open with a crow bar, I've been scrambling to visit several possible new studio sites. Our building was recently sold and zoned for condos, so the writing, as 'they' say, was on the wall. Nothing was missing or damaged that I can detect but it was upsetting to find my lock repaired, as best it could be. The building has never been completely secure, but we've had no real trouble and I've never been afraid there. Most of our intruders were homeless cats and kittens which ended up being taken in by group members, and neighborhood kids skateboarding in the hallways at night.
So, this is the photo I'm going with. I will say that any painting I ever saw in with my own eyes, looked better than the best photo of it.
I am sorry about the trouble at you studio. and I agree about photos of paintings never looking as good as the real thing. But Study at Two Islands looks good to me. I finally got your blog linked to mine. Next question. Am I supposed to ask permission before adding other artist's blogs?
That's terrible about the break-in! Too bad they didn't make Cordage Park artist studios. :D
=:( I'm so bummed to hear your happy place has been violated. can't help but wonder at the coincidence... (going condo anyone?). Hope you find a better, new happy place soon.
Ugh, what an awful feeling to have your space broken into.
The color in this painting is so beautiful. I'm drawn to bright colors in my work too.
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