Friday, March 16, 2012

Drive By Toll Booth

Drive By Toll Booth
4x4 oil on gesso board 
I don't know how we managed to arrive at an EMPTY toll booth on Rte. 95 but it seems we did! For the past 12 years Don and I and the furry ones have been driving to Naples and back on this Interstate. 
Although I have many, many photos of scenes from the road, I still ride shotgun clicking away as though I've never seen any of it before. But there's the light and the weather and the time of day which all factor into each trip so sometimes I see a better version of something than I have before. Or at least I think I do. I love the abstract quality to toll booths and bridges and water tanks and gas tanks. I love being on the road.
Check out Karin Jurick's from Georgia to NYC and Back, paintings which are also scenes of Interstate 95. Her recent post, "ribbons in the sky" inspired me to look through my photos for that very scene which I think is Washington, DC.
Don't be surprised to see my version of it soon. I KNOW I have a photo ;)


Maria Bennett Hock said...

I love this...the colors and almost abstract quality are wonderful. I look forward to seeing your ribbons in the sky! It is right in my neck of the woods!

Jennifer Koach said...

This is indeed, a rare sight. How clever of you to paint it.

Virginia Floyd said...

I love this composition. I was attracted by the lines and angles that are softened by your colors. Love the bits of orange. Well done!

Autumn Leaves said...

What an amazing composition! Who knew toll booths could be so beautiful???

Jody Regan said...

What a grabber. I had to look more closely. I agree, toll booths are very appealing. Nice job.

Studio at the Farm said...

Hey, Gypsy Woman. I love that you ride shot-gun to get all your reference photos. :) And I love this painting; it never ceases to amaze me, a dyed-in-the-wool detail freak, how you simplify things so well!!!

A said...

I know I sound like a broken record but I really love your style :-)

SamArtDog said...

This is a jewel! First time I've ever liked the looks of a stupid old toll booth.

Nora MacPhail said...

Very original idea Mary, and one we can relate too. I like the hits of orange and red. Lovely architecture.
Happy Painting.

myra anderson said...

beautiful! love the colors! been thinking about you lately - how you doin?! myra

Jane said...

What a fantastic subject, don't think I ever saw this painted before! Wonderfully painted with luscious strokes and gorgeous colors, bravo!

Christine Stonebridge said...

You've brought another wonderful, unique vision to life! Love the unexpected surprise that a tollbooth can be charming!

Dottie T Leatherwood said...

ooooh I really love this one Mary!! Such fabulous abstract shapes!!

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Only you could make a toll booth look JOYFUL!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing to me how you could make a toll booth look so beautiful!

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