Monday, April 13, 2009

Spider Mums and Red Parasol study

I started this painting Saturday and am sticking to Carol Marine's method here. Choose a color scheme from the color wheel. Decide on a value pattern using the rule of thirds and above all, one brush stroke at a time. I know I've heard this countless times but her work shows that less is more. I'm going for economy of brushwork.There are some good spots in this but the background may be too broken up. I always have some White Spider Mums in my house. I love them.


Jill Berry said...

This is a very lovely painting. Nice color choices and brushstrokes. Thanks for sharing your workshop experience.

JanettMarie said...

Mary, you have been busy!! This is great, keep on painting!! The workshop was a good one!

Thanks for visiting me too!


Dar Presto said...

Wow, this is a great piece. I'm intimidated by spider mums, but you've made this one lively and interesting by not fussing over it like blades of grass. The parasol is a fun element which offers a repeated shape, a color counterpoint, and interest for the vase, all at once. And of course, your brushwork rocks!

Carol Marine said...

Beautiful! : ) I love the varieties of blue and turqoise!!!

Lorna said...

I thought this painting would be scary---after all, what is more frightening than spider mums? maybe just spider dads, although I think they give up pretty easily.

It is however, not scary, only beautiful, which I attribute to the parasol.

Paintings by Patricia said...

This is a lovely piece, Mary. Spider mums are an awesome flower. Nice color choices and brushwork.

Bobbi Heath said...

I like the parasol especially. The red against the green blue is so nice. This is a really pretty painting!

Jala Pfaff said...

Really, really beautiful. Whatever you're doing, you're doing it right.

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

This is the way to go, girl. It looks very good, and the abstract design is strong. I'm so thrilled Carol's methods are working out for you. I knew it! I love, love, love this one. Missing you in MA AND RI!

L.Holm said...

Fantastic work! The one brushstroke at a time is working! Can't think of a tougher flower to paint. You've got all of the essentials in so beautifully! I so wish I could take one of Carol's seminars.

Peter Lee said...

Nice work! I like your brush strokes and choice of colors. The parasol looks a little obscure to me. (just a constructive feedback). Love your flower!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful painting. Wonderful colors.


sandy said...

Oh wow, Mary, this is gorgeous!!

Crazy RAvens Studio said...

I like the colors in this painting. I know about the "rules" of painting, I must think about using them more, especially that rule of thirds on value. It's inspiring to see so much work Mary.

Vicki Shuck said...

Wow, Mary, this is great. Thanks for the reminder of what Carol said about color and values. . .I need to go back to that.

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