Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Works in Progress

Although, I've added to the large painting things are moving slowly. I need to think it out before I paint on it again. Yesterday, in order to get a sense of the masses and values, I did a small version from a wider viewpoint. I also spent much of my time this past week reading The Story of Edgar Sawtelle, a page turner (565, give or take). I loved the story, and the writing.


Anonymous said...

Looking good! Keep up the good work. ;-)

I have to look up your book. I've never heard of it before. It's always great to read a page turner.


Anonymous said...

I think you are getting away from the original feel of the painting. I like when you concentrate on the ship under the bridge with other ships around it and you can see the chimneys of Fall River. Go back to the original feel of the scene. You did call it "Battleship Massachusetts" love Auntie

Lorna said...

I'm not even a maritimer and I love it. Your works in progress fill me with awe, and I don't think there has to be a co-relationship between the painting and the name. Sorry, auntie

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary,
Nice painting. Honestly not the painting style I prefer but each person has the "right" to his/her world and vision how this world look like.

With best regards,
Olga Levitas

Candy Barr said...

Mary, your small wider version doesn't seem to have much relationship to your other bridge in progress to me. It's an interesting color study with the bright foreground in relationship to the blues in distant background. Your first painting also has and exquisite draftsmanship of the bridge, with incredibly interesting boats in foreground and waterfront beneath the bridge. Maybe just add a little more definition with some of the boats and docks below? It's really close to being done in my opinion. I love it a lot! good luck with next step.

Jala Pfaff said...

I loved that book too.

rdl said...

love the smaller/wider! but then i always was a zoom girl.

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Don't do too much more to the Battleship painting. That's a keeper - I'm so proud of your dedication to this project! If I were in FL I'd be laying in the sun with a glass of lemonade and - yes, that book!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Kelley, thanks for that.
I Have been to the pool, the book was wonderful and I am having a bit of FOF (fear of finishing) over this one.

I made the darks in the ship more colorful with purpley grays and greeney grays keeping the mass.
This whole thing is a greeny gray painting taking its color scheme from the green bridge and the misty purple sky of a June day.

So, what it needs is compliments of violet/gray/violet with bits of yellow and red/gray/red with bits of greenish in the surrounding foreground. These must be dark in value. Inconspicuous, as it were and unobtrusive. A tall order, indeed.

Meanwhile I am out of here to a Carol Marine workshop in Jacksonville. I think it's just what the Doctor ordered ;)

Thank You ALL. It means the world to me to have these thoughtful comments and observations on my work.

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