Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Red Riot

Click to bid I am running out of pepper inspired names, but that isn't going to stop me. These paintings are going up for sale at the annual North River Arts Society's Holiday Sale, along with some recent watercolors that you can see here on this blog. Most works are priced under $100 (these). My Open Studios is also happening that weekend so I will divide up the available works between the Sale and the Studio.


Cara said...

I love your chile peppers! Love the bold representation.

rob ijbema said...

you are really going strong with these peppers mary
there is a destinct style coming thru!

Diana Moses Botkin said...

Love this! I agree that naming paintings can be a challenge sometimes, especially for a series. After coming up with labels for hundreds of pieces, pretty soon titles like "Landscape #906" or "Another Pepper Painting" are the only ones that come to mind!

Anonymous said...

I love your chile peppers, too!


Connie Chadwell said...

Wonderful painting!

BH Yoo said...

Impressive colors and the composition! You've got a sense of color.

Jennifer Bellinger said...

Love this "hot" little gem of a painting!

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