Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pepper Party

Click to Bid Who doesn't love these things strictly for their beauty and dazzling array of shapes and colors? Even if you don't eat them. I had fun session today, painting them on such strong background colors(fabulous dishtowels from the $ store). I like this one, actually. I can't say that about every one so, luckily, the beauty really IS in the eye of the beholder.


Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Great shapes, great highlights - good job Mary!

Bruce Docker said...

these peppers are wonderful. and your right the purple and green add a lot.very bold.

Diana Moses Botkin said...

Wonderful painting... so colorful and fresh!

Karen Cole said...


Thanks so much for your kind comment on my blog. I would have to say that the feeling is absolutely mutual. Your paintings are just beautiful. That splash of purple on those peppers is delicious.

I jump from one medium to another, but I am a painter at heart.

Edward Burton said...

Wow, GREAT color combinations - beautiful! And a really nice composition.

Carol Engles said...

Thank you for your comments on my work. Wow! I love your color and composition - especially the lavender and yellow green.

sandy said...

Mary, these are "POPPING" ...

you are really using some great colors in your work. ...and oh the reflections!

rdl said...

Ouuuhhhh shiny!! beauty!!

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