Sunday, January 20, 2008

Bristol Mill 6x8

I'm always interested in how an artist gets to the finish line. I spent an hour getting my drawing correct, which eliminated the myriad ways in which I could have gone wrong once I began to paint. I've also started mixing colors before I begin to paint, figuring out my color scheme ahead of time and mixing the darkest darks first and lightening them value-wise before I start. After I do this with the major colors, I block the picture in using the darks and because I have premixed colors and know where I'm going it's easy to get the main values down. Here are three preliminary stages of my painting of this great old Millbuilding in Bristol, RI.


Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

I love this, and I love the Mills in Bristol! When were you there?

Diana Moses Botkin said...

Thanks for your many nice comments on my work, Mary. I just dropped by to see yours and am enjoying it very much, along with your remarks.

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