Yesterday was another glorious fall day despite the hurricane winds we took over the weekend. The trees are still colorful and not all have turned. It's very late for that phenomenon to be happening in this region. Yesterday, I painted this little study at Gray's Beach in Kingston. Sitting in the car, of course, with my little 6x8 pochade box. When I got home I opened up Emile Gruppe's books to check out his pointers on landscapes. Gruppe , a Cape Ann artist was a student of John Carlson who wrote Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting, (arguably) the definitive book on the subject. Both of these guys were masters in their own right. Check them out. I'm after more polish in my paintings, loose control as it were. Doing these little studies is a good way to improve. Not to mention the enjoyment factor.
Hey what's up with blogger? no pic! no fair!
Dunno, what happened. I always check after I upload the photo. Here it is.
where is this? Looks it near SACO?
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