Tuesday, June 05, 2012

On the Mud

This kind of weather makes me feel good about being inside. Here in cool, gloomy, gray New England I'm tucked into my studio painting boats. This boat is moored at Five Islands, Nova Scotia, where the tide goes out completely, leaving beautiful red mud and rivulets of turquoise water.
After being on Daily Paint Works for a year, I've decided to offer my paintings at auction which gives me the option of starting them at a lower price than the 'buy now' price I've been setting. I know that I like bidding on and winning an item for less than the fixed price and so will you. It does happen ;)


Paintings by Patricia said...

Great boat, Mary and I remember those red mud flats.

Douglas Clark said...

You did a really nice painting here. I wish you the best of luck with the sale of your paintings.

Dottie T Leatherwood said...

I am loving that green & purple!! Lovely painting to brighten up a gloomy day!

martinealison said...

Rien de mieux que de mettre de la couleur pour égayer les jours de pluie... et vous avez très bien réussi dans cette peinture. Très beau travail.
Gros bisous

Studio at the Farm said...

GREAT PAINTING, MARY!!! You have such a wonderful eye for color.
It's drizzly and cool here, too, but the Big Guy and I were out dancing between the rain-drops. He is being so wonderful under saddle right now - my sunshine on a cloudy day. :)

Autumn Leaves said...

Gray gloomy days are my favorite kind of days. I like the comforts and security of home, the sense of being safe and snuggled in. I adore September through April and could quite happily skip the rest of the months.

This piece is so beautiful with is gorgeous colors and shadows and reflections.

hmuxo said...

Beautifully painted, Mary!! Love all these wonderful colors...

Karen Bruson said...

Great color.

Anne Winthrop Cordin said...

Love your boats Mary.The variety in your whites is so rich! We just got back from Nova Scotia, so many pictures, so little time!

Pamela Nichols said...

I love the vantage point in this painting, Mary. It seems that I am so close to this boat, I can hear the seagulls!

Bobbi Heath said...

I keep loving the boats. I look at a white fiberglass boat and think, it's white and bland what can I do? But you know what to do! This is just splendid.

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