Friday, August 05, 2011

Commercial Street Hollyhocks


Yes, the stars of the show here were actually the hollyhocks but I forgot to put them in the title. I took another shot at this because I needed the practice with such complicated subject matter. This on is 10x10 on a RayMar panel. Summer in New England is incredibly short but sweet and I'm enjoying the weather and the beach. Today my mama and I are going to lunch at the ocean side Fairview Restaurant. I'm posting this sneak preview of my painting in process. A 12x12 version of the Classic Bug. Stay tuned.


myra anderson said...

this is quite lovely - have fun with your mama!!!!

Kathy Cousart said...

Love the holly hocks! Look forward to seeing your painting of the car- my first car back in the day:)

Jo Castillo said...

I really like these bright cheery paintings. Hollyhocks are a favorite of mine.

rdl said...

stellar!! gotta love those VW's!!

Unknown said...

The holly hocks are so vibrant and lively! Luscious colors!

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Well, in the first one you concentrated on the hydrangeas, this one... the hollyhocks! I like them both, but I LOVE this one!

myra anderson said...

MARY thanks for stopping by . . . I was also going to blog about how your beautiful beach scene figurative works have inspired me as well!!!!!! Thanks . . .luv ya!

Ricki Treleaven said...

*love* the hollyhocks!

Autumn Leaves said...

Gorgeous floral and oh so impressionist feeling! Can't wait to see the VW; I love old car paintings!

Anonymous said...

Love, love the hollyhocks. And you're probably going to kill me, but I really like the Classic Bug painting just the way it looks now. Very Da Vinci-esque! I'm sure I'll love the finished painting, too!

Marian Fortunati said...

Love the hollyhocks, but Mary!!! This bug is just terrific as it is... I wonder if anyone else thinks it should be left that way it is now???

Crystal Cook said...

Absolutely beautiful Mary! Those hollyhocks are so full of color and joy, it's wonderful! And I LOVE seeing the work in progress of the bug, I think it would be really cool to leave it as is personally. :)

Barbara Muir said...

Gorgeous painting and progress shot. I love the progress one just as it is.

XO Barbara

Jody Regan said...

This is my favorite! Beautiful foreground and lots of interest in the shapes in the background. Nice.

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