Don and I spent some time down at the docks yesterday checking out the replicas of the Nina and the Pinta. I couldn't get good photos because the sun was overhead. So, I got up way early today and got down there while the early light was on the ships but, as soon as I powered up my camera the flashing battery greeted me :( Oops.
NOT to be hindered I did a small sketch of one of the ships which took about an hour and then headed home to plug in the camera. Since I was on a mission to paint I decided to head down to a very quiet site on the Gordon River where there are a bunch of old cottages that will soon be torn down so the Marina next door can expand. I parked my lawn chair under a shady palm tree and did a pencil sketch and then a little study for color. While I was painting I was visited by a delightful gentleman with his little Dachshund, 'Schnitzle'. He was most interesting having had duel careers as a farrier (horse shoer) and an electrician. We talked about horses and our pets past and present. When I mentioned that today is my Wendell's 14th birthday and he told me about a cat he had who lived to be 22!! Wendell is quite healthy and I hope he'll be with me for a long time.
The Birthday Boy-14 years old