Saturday, February 27, 2010

"The Proposal"

Here's the second painting of my fabulous bowl with a couple of tomatillos. The bride to be is inside the bowl in her lacy dress and the groom, dressed down as usual, is down on one knee. I think she said,  "Yes". 
I've also included a few shots of each of the last two paintings in progress. This week I have two little boys visiting me which is keeping me from my easel, but we're having lots of fun. 
Colin and Ryan helping Uncle Don wash his car


Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Ooooh, thanks for showing the process - I love this little bowl, so glad you got it! And thanks for the Florida pic (and the Beefcake of Don!). MISS YOU girlfriend!!! Workin on my 'dream' today (nothing like last minute!), wish me well.

myra anderson said...

beautiful! love seeing the process too! these are beautiful colors!

irinapictures said...

Mary, thank you very much for your time and attention to Moscow daily Photo blog. And you comments, they make the blogging such a pleasure! I am impressed by your paintings, I wish your blog more thankful viewers and rich buyers :-))

Famous Artists said...

It is very good paintings for the sharing. I like it very much as well as your blog also. Keeps it up good work!!!!!!!!!

Jean Victory said...

Love seeing your all helps us. Wonderful, vibrant colors and nice design. Keep it up!

Lorna said...

Your process is a mystery to me, but I buy it because ARTISTS do. Do people in Florida really get to wear shorts and clean their cars outdoors?

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