Monday, May 25, 2009

Two Tomatos

I should be planting tomatoes, on this beautiful Memorial Day, not painting them. But this is what I do. I'm heading out right after I post this, though. Remember our soldiers and their loved ones and thank God for Freedom.


Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Wow. These are HOT! Nice work. Yes... planting them... I always have more room in my head than I actually have in my garden, and end up with leftovers!

Paintings by Patricia said...

What great juicy tomatoes....haven't planted ours week.

Anonymous said...

Two DELICIOUS-looking tomatoes. Yes, thank God for freedom.


Janette Jones, Studio California said...

I LOVE these!!!

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Mary,

There's something delightfully joyous about these colours. As a tomato addict, I can't help but fall for your image. Lovely.

Take care,


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