Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Crystal Vase Stripes 4x6

This study brings to mind that old joke about hitting yourself on the head with a hammer. It feels great when you stop. This was supposed to be a warm up for another painting I have due next week. A simple still life, as it were. You know what that means from me. Some needlessly(?) complicated set up. Yipes Stripes! Upon photographing this I can see how the values behind the glass of the vase are too light (the photo is not accurate in color no matter how many times I shot it) and the stripes are too static. I can only improve from here.


'Jane' said...

Great painting I like it

Paula Villanova said...

Hey, for what it's worth...I don't think the stripes are too static....just my opinion...

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

And a warm up is a warm up - you're all warmed up now, right? And I don't think the balues behind the glass of the vase are too light - they look just about right.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

I was warmed up all right. In the 'what was I thinking' way ;)
Thanks everyone. It took courage to post this one.

Paula Villanova said...

oh no....I commented on the wrong picture...I like this painting too...but I meant to comment on the spider mums!!!! (about that hammer.....)

Sheila Vaughan said...

Actually Mary, I really like this. I think it has great design element to it.

Helen Read said...

I really like it too! I love its abstract qualities :) And the color relationships are really cool too.

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