Friday, August 31, 2007

Stonington Cat Watercolor 9X12

Two years ago today I was on a trip to Stonington, Maine with my friend Diane Scott. We stayed at a sweet little place on the harbor and painted for a few days. I did this watercolor from a photo I took there. Another fabulously picturesque place in Downeast Maine. Unfortunately, Hurricane Katrina was bearing down on New Orleans and cable TV kept us updated. I remember thinking at the time how necessary human optimism is to the survival of the species. The weathercasters kept saying, "if the levees break". And I kept thinking, "IF?" It seems there's always hope, even when there's no hope, which is a good thing.


Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

I love this. Were you channelling Hopper (or as one of my studio visitors calls him "Hooper")? So calm in one part of the work, vicious in another, I know....

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Hopper you think?
I'll take that :D
Can you see the cat or should I lift a touch of color around the edges of the fur for the glow I'm looking for?

Paula Villanova said...

It took me a little while to find the cat, but that made it all a little more interesting and fun to look at. Nice painting!Maybe better than Hooper!

rdl said...


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