Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hanging Out 5x7

I thought I posted this yesterday but now remember that I actually posted it on Daily Painter's Marketplace. This is my backyard clothesline with all my white shorts and tee shirts on it. After struggling some with the whites I added a couple of items with color to break it up more. I'll definitely try this subject again.


Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

YAY! I'm the first to comment! I love the white laundry - and the 'shots' of color interspersed. I have been waiting for a post from you - this was worth the wait!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Kells, thanks for stopping by :D and for the comment.

Leslie Anne Pease said...

This is a really fun piece! I love the colors. What a bright and sunny day.

I want to be there -- I do the folding!!!! We are expecting ANOTHER spring snow storm tomorrow and a good nor'easter on Monday!!!! For the first time they are talking about alternate plans for the Boston Marathon!!! (News from back home! :) )

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Leslie, how well I can remember. Remembering the 1996 April Fool's Day storm that left us with tree limbs down and no power for days. We were the lucky ones though, many people were stranded for weeks.
I pray a light one for you all.

rdl said...

Love it! love yr. colors! I think i had some clothes/towels on this line, which they were there now. :D
Still cold back home.

Leslie Anne Pease said...

Thank you for your prayers Mary! THEY WORKED! Most of the day it has just rained!!! One more round of prayers for Marathon Monday!

Again-This painting is great. I smile every time I see it. Very CoZy and HoMeY!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

rdl That was fun. Bad news is I have to go for another air boat ride with Nicholas on board this time. That's my last one though.

Leslie, I don't know if your location is more in the snow than rain area, but hopefully rain.
Thanks for digging on this clothesline painting. I'm going to paint it from the other side next time with my bra on it ;)
those sell well! :D

Kerri Settle said...

I really like the thickness of the white spots in this one, the texture really comes through!

shelleycoughlin said...

Very pretty work. Thanks for stopping by my site!

Debbie Miller said...

Hi mary, thanks for checking out my site! This is a lovely painting. It reminds me of a dream - especially with the wintery weather we're about to get in N.E. I especially like the tree and that yummy grass.

Liza Hirst said...

Love this one, too! Thank you for visiting my site, Mary. I replied to your comments there.

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