Thursday, July 31, 2008

Provincetown Kite Store 12x12

I've always wanted to paint the kite store but it was as scary as the mums ;) This was supposed to be my entry for the PAAM 12x12 auction but since it was still wet I opted for the Spider Mums. My new Princeton 6300 brights are just kickin' when it comes to putting paint in the stripes of the kites and such. I love them. Check out my other blog for some interesting and fun photos of Provincetown. There is no place like it. Trust me.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

White Spider Mums 12x12

Maybe another tweak on this but it's mostly finished. I think a subtle dark stroke beneath the lemons and plums to keep them from floating, This was another of my 'simple' still lives and I went through the valley of "this is not going to happen" before hitting the 'sweet spot' today, going for the finish. There's a mental moment in each painting where the struggle suddenly switches gears and you know you're on the right track. There are things I'd do differently here but over all I reached the goal. I used some great new brushes that Kelley gave me and I can see the difference from my usual bristle flats. Completely changed my edges. This is for Provincetown Art Association and Museum's 12x12 silent auction event which takes place August 1st through September 7th. Stop in if you happen to be visiting beautiful Provincetown, Massachusetts.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

White Spider Mums 12x12

Just picked up the ole hammer and started hitting myself on the head again this morning. Here's my setup in front of what we call our bird window. Using natural light I am actually designing the painting as I go. It just happened that way but it's a good lesson. Had to make a run to the store for some more lemons and some plums and some cat food. Here are a few enticing 'details'. I always have a vase of white spider mums in the house. I've never painted them though. Too scary ;)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Crystal Vase Stripes 4x6

This study brings to mind that old joke about hitting yourself on the head with a hammer. It feels great when you stop. This was supposed to be a warm up for another painting I have due next week. A simple still life, as it were. You know what that means from me. Some needlessly(?) complicated set up. Yipes Stripes! Upon photographing this I can see how the values behind the glass of the vase are too light (the photo is not accurate in color no matter how many times I shot it) and the stripes are too static. I can only improve from here.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Parrsboro Pine Study 6x8

This is a late afternoon study of the trees outside the cottage window, from my trip to Parrsboro. I also included a detail. I'm feeling better about painting trees these days. I hope everyone is enjoying the summer. I am ;)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hot and Hazy 8x16

This view of Boston Light and Graves Light was painted in Hull from the hilltop at Fort Revere, where there are 360 degree views of Boston and the harbor islands. I submitted it to a show at Oceanside 17 for a show called Heat which will run from July 18th through August 17th. Go visit if you are in Nantasket (Hull) and check out the wonderful display of painting, jewelry, glass and more. Hey, maybe even buy some art ;D

Friday, July 04, 2008

Out to Pasture WC 6x6

It seems that this little hatchback has taken its last ride. Now it's a painting subject. As usual, it was really buggy while I painted. My setup was on the hood of the car. If you like old cars as a subject visit Ron Morrison's blog and see his cool watercolors of really old abandoned cars.
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