FINALLY, Win has sent out the vacate notices under Heritage Mgmt's name in a Codman envelope. They're actually asking for their months rent and terminating us as of October 1st.
Meanwhile, over at the Codman building ,the scene is this. I took the photo yesterday when I went over to the building to maybe go up to my space, which I did not. The area behind this dumpster is a bank of windows which is boarded up now but has been wide open, windows removed, for at least a week now. In the other photo the windows on the top floor are across from my studio. The whole wing is almost wide open now. We're really renting storage space in an active construction site.
The way we've been treated by the ownership of this building past and present is bizarre.
The good news is that I went and got the key to my new space and my nephew is going to sand the floors for me next weekend. I have 7 windows! and there is light reflected back into my space from a huge skylight on the roof. Also, some of my friends are in this building so, all will be well. Open Studios is being planned for multiple buildings now. Stay tuned.
I don't know why I couldn't make the font smaller. I tried.
Hi Mary, the font probably "knew" you had an important message to convey and REFUSED to be smaller! I visited the Codman today because it was supposed to be the last day my studio was rented to me, however, it was gone! No door, no walls...bizarre, and creepy. I went upstairs to visit my old studio, 440, also gone but it was nice to see yours... by the way, I love the painting on your easel that's facing out the window. I hope your new studio works out well for you. It was sad that our exit from the Codman has been so ugly, but it's time to move forward I guess.
That really stinks but I'm glad you're moving one.
Seven windowns and a skylight. Heaven!
Seven windowns and a skylight. Heaven!
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